v1.4.8 % Made code PHP8 compatible. v1.4.7 + Added option to explicitly set if cache must be used. + Added option to delete serverside cache for set addresses. % Some minor bugfixes. v1.4.4 + Implemented SWBootstrap. v1.4.3 + Dates are now clickable to add to Google Calendar. v1.4.2 % Fixed bug where no years in scraper are detected by adding current year as default. % Implemented demo feature for Notification Triggers. v1.4.0 % Implemented scraper data source because API no longer works. + Added 'textiel' icon & colors. V1.3.8 % Changed print style. v1.3.7 + Added invalidation error feedback. v1.3.6 % Added support for '-' char in address labels. v1.3.5 % PWA is no completely API-driven. v1.3.4 % Change PWA browser background color. % Moved edit & install buttons to bottom of PWA screen. % Fixed house icon in label column. % Changed date column icon on small devices. % Changed days column icon on small devices. % Change weekdays to 2 chars on small devices. % Whitespaces in ZIP-codes are now removed. % Whitespaces in labels are now replaced with '-'. v1.2.6 % FontAwesome font fix. % Fixed install button bug. - Disabled caching by PHP. + Auto-open off-canvas address form when no addresses found. % Some styling fixes. % INSTALL button hides when clicked. v1.2.0 + Added fontAwesome icons. + Added new styling. + Added Solengi favicon. + Added trash container images. v1.1.6 % Styling improvements. + Added PHP-doc. v1.1.4 + Added input form. + Address query string is now also stored in browser cookie. % Better responsive styling. % Improved PWA-support. + Added printer-specific styling. + Query stored in window.localStorage. + Input block is now toggable with edit icon. v1.0.7 % Improved overall styling. + Added Responsive Design. + Added Service Worker support. + Added support for Progressive Web Apps. v1.0.3 + Implemented API-result store to cache. + Implemented load from cache. + Added version info. v1.0.0 + Initial version.